Day in day out, EnbiTherm significantly contributes to improving global energy efficiency and help to make a positive impact around the world.
We are proud to announce that Enbi supplies Class B water tank insulations to the HVAC market with Enbi’s Trapezio and Linea technologies. These technologies are applied in our EnbiTherm products which consists of a range of flexible insulation materials that meets the growing demand for a reliable and environmentally friendly flexible insulation materials that can be used in the HVAC, heat pump and solar applications. The test was conducted by one of the Enbi partners, which has certified test benches.
Peter Altreiter, Key Account Manager at Enbi, emphasizes the importance of the EnbiTherm products as these contribute to the protection of scarce resources and help to reduce carbon emissions. “Every insulation jacket we produce has a positive impact to our customer, the end user and most of all the environment for all of us!”.
With our planet increasingly impacted by resource shortages, conservation has become a global priority. This global trend is significant for Enbi and our EnbiTherm Jackets have a unique positive contribution to protecting scarce resources.
The European community is leading the world with rigorous energy saving regulations for heating and ventilation systems. This is especially true for energy efficient hot water tanks where new energy certification and labels are mandatory. These energy optimized system using EnbiTherm insulations are contributing to a better environmental balance and providing cost savings to residential and commercial customers. Enbi is providing OEM solutions for tank manufacturers based on two major technologies: “Linea” and “Trapezio”. Both can save more than 100x the energy it took to produce them over their normal life time.
EnbiTherm – A contribution to the protection of scarce resources.